Ganoderma gradually became more and more known to the Western countries, whereas it had been widely spread In Asia.
Ganoderma has been known to the Far Ease. especially Japan, Korea and China for 4000 years. Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) especially, and has reached a closely similar importance as ginseng. It was mentioned even during the Han Dynasty (200 B.C. until 200 AD.) by name of Ungzhi. Emperor Wu of Han thought so highly of Ganoderma to consider it one of the tools for immortality, thus keeping it Inside the castle walls.
Regular and scheduled use enhances immune functions, helps recovery of the worsened health. especially important in cancer treatment of stomach, pancreas. colon, liver as supplementary treatment. and also to reduce side effects of chemotherapy.
There are series of publications about Ganoderma used as adjuvant therapy for hepatitis, carcinoma, diabetes, leukemia, althoughmostcas eslack control testing. which is elementary factor co be validated as proof. However, in the last decade there have been various sophisticated reports appear about the therapeutic potential of Ganoderma.
Numerous clinical and preclinical examinations certify positive pharmacologic effects. According to pub- lished reports the effects include anti inflammatory, analgesic, radioprotective, chemo preventive, anticancerous, anti arteriosclerosis effects, but also conclude cases which prove it to help with sleeping, to reduce coagulation, blood sugar and blood lipids, also to protect liver,to prevent stomach ulcer, antioxidant effect, to red uce free radicals and antibacterial. antiviral (includ- ing HIV), and antiaging effects.
Main componentsin the fully grown fruit body.
Terpenoids (more than 140 of them have been identified sofar, especially different types of Triterpenes), Carbohydrates (especially immunomodulant Polysaccharides), Proteins, Nucleotides, other (e.g. Serols, Cerebrosides)
Main componentsin mycelium
Terpenoids,Lactones,Alkaloids, Polysaccharides, Serins (Nitrogen free Polysaccharides)
For more information and bibliography:
A pecsetviaszgomba (Ganoderma lucidum). Compiled by Dr. Szabo, Laszlo Gy., Dr. Babulka, Peter; Fodi Attila. Budapest: DXN Europe Ltd. 20 II. 30 p. [in Hungarian]
Dr. Lelley, jan: The healing power of mushrooms: Mycology in service of health. Translated by Dr.Lelley, Janos. Budapest: Mezogazda Kiado, 1999. (Die Heilkraft der Pilze). 155 p, ISBN 9639121746 [in Hungarian]